
What is the Hex Space Diamond NFT?

The Hex Space Diamond NFT (HSD) are a 555 piece NFT collection on the PulseChain blockchain. It comprises 3 tier categories with tier 1 making up ~1% of the collection, tier 2 ~10%, and tier 3 ~89%.
Our NFTs -- artwork by Cavehand -- are unique to, and derived from, the Richard Heart ecosystem and from the man's larger than life personality itself. We wanted them to be able to be used as an easily identifiable PFP since so many in the RH ecosystem enjoy showing their support for and participation in the community. By collecting a HSD you'll have a voice in the community and help guide the direction and development of the project in the years to come.

Okay, what is the signifigence of the Diamond?

The real diamond itself -- formerly named the Enigma Diamond because of the mysteries surrounding it, one of which being its origin which is believed to be from space -- is Fancy Black in coloration and was bought by Richard Heart in 2022 and promptly renamed the Hex.com Diamond.

Richard became interested in the diamond when the Hex community made him aware of its numerical similarities to Hex's max staking length of 5555 days. See, the diamond has a weight of 555.55 carats and has 55 facets. Furthermore, the diamond is the largest cut diamond in the world thus making it, Richard and Hex a match made in the heavens.

Why should I collect it?  Do you have a roadmap?

As mentioned, ownership of a HSD will give you a voice in the community and the future of the project. Already some great ideas have come from the community and working together we can continue to grow the HSD ecosystem!
That said, I personally make no promises and have no definitive roadmap. I do have plans for revenue sharing of the next drop (one 5 is missing from the 5555) which well be dependent on ownership of this first drop.
The details of the 2nd drop, and revenue sharing structure, will be hammered out in the discord with the community much like how Hex came into existence.
I have no plans for a token as I don't want to take any unnecessary economic energy away from RH products.

Sweet, how do I collect it?

Come to the website on mint day and you'll be able to mint up to 5 per address. We are having a delayed satisfaction reveal so you'll just see a generic placeholder image in your wallet until all NFTs in the collection have been minted and then we will update collectors via our Telegram and Twitter with the date/time of when the images will be revealed. Once you have minted if you don't see the placeholder in you MetaMask wallet under "NFTs" you may need to activate this optionality. To do that...

1. In your MM click the 3 ellipses to go to "Settings" then "Experimental" and turn on "Autodetect NFTs". Click "Refresh List" and see if they are detected.

2. If not, you'll need to manually enter the contract "Address" and your "Token id(s)" so...

3. Under "NFTs" click "Import NFT" and 2 fields will come up allowing you to add the contract "Address" and the specific Token ID for each NFT. Each time you do this for each of the NFTs you have purchased you'll either see the placeholder, if it's pre-reveal, or your actual NFT if it's post reveal when the metadata will have been updated. (A lot of steps, just shows how early we still are in crypto!)

You'll also be able to see your holdings on marketplaces as we become listed.

Final thoughts.

  • In crypto, community is everything, and the RH ecosystem has one of the strongest communities in crypto; if not the strongest.
  • If we can unite the community, and many of its influencers, under one NFT project we can build it into something that rivals any of the grail projects on ETH or SOL or wherever and bring the eyes of the NFT community onto PulseChain.
  • I'm committed to bringing the vision to fruition but I can't do it alone. I need the partnership of the strongest community in crypto to join we on that adventure and together we can achieve that and have fun along the way!
  • I'm ready to start this journey, are you?
  • LFG!!!

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